Tuesday 31 March 2009

News and updates

Figured, i would write a bit again seen's as i have been asked alot about games recently.So coming up very soon (over the next week or so) will be some more reviews (killzone 2, resident evil 5, street fighter IV and X Blades just for starters.)

The Rat pack clan have our first clan match on Friday April 3rd, of which I'm gutted i will be missing due to family birthdays and meals, some best of luck guys, and anyone from the U.K. or any commonwealth country with a playfire account should sign up HERE.

Next up is a nice little gaming site called ps play girl  although
the banner on the right has nothing to do with DjDarkstars website (will change the banner once permission is obtained) it is a fun, creative site with the starts of a fun community, so for those of you with a Ps3 say hi and join up here.

As soon as onlive was announcing its self as the future of gaming, and boasting Hot new games with out large downloads or high end hardware requirements, some amongst the gaming community have been a buzz with excitement and praise. IGN U.K. reported yesterday that Sony Entertainment Japan have recently registered PS Cloud as a trademark, as a "a product or service expected to be Sony's venture into cloud-based gaming. Where as it is still unclear if Sony intends to develop a system of this type or just simply wants to leave options open and worry sites like OnLive the full story HERE

 Square Enix's have released more screenshots for their much anticipated Final fantasy XIII. CVG magazine reports that this time they have release screenies of the battle system and i agree with them that if these screenshots have not been touch up and represent actual gameplay graphics then the game will look nothing short of breath taking. Full list of screenshot are HERE.