Monday 17 November 2008

Battlefield: Bad comapny - PS3

Battlefield: Bad Company - PS3- E.A.

BF:BC in my eyes had so so much potential, and by that i mean a fps with cover, that can be blown away to reveal the person behind (presuming they survived the blast) and what you get is a fairly competent FPS with a compelling story mode and some good idea's, that unfortunately falls short of what it could have, and what most wanted it to have been.

Really in truth as with most FPS games there is two different sides to this game story mode and online multi player which i will review separately i guess.

So firstly story mode, is a mediocre attempt at a FPS they range of weapons and vehicles are extensive and brilliant the disappearing cover is great, for example fire your RPG at the wall and the wall disappears leave whoever is hid behind exposed and running for cover, genius and quite surprising that it hasn't been done this good before now. As with most shooters this is well made, standard control and interface game that on the whole is an enjoyment to play.

I did how ever have the following annoyance's with it. The auto injector feature, is a selectable health pack the with one hit of the fire button replenishes your health too 100%, great or not in my opinion. If you are new to the genre or just not good at these types of games then maybe you should disregard my next comments, the auto injector seems to have such a short recharge time that, i found it almost made you god like, you are able to run in to a building full of bad guys

and destroy 3 - 4 men in a close gun fight survive the ordeal and the auto inject your way to 100% health to zerg another room or building.

This for me made the game very easy because you had no worries at all about dying easily.

The other niggle i have is that vast area's of the map are shaded red, enter these zones and your inside enemy artillery range and after 5 seconds you auto die. Not the worst idea conceived i will admit but what you get is almost a holding of your hand slowly but surely leading you to the next objective and added to the lack of challenge the game has.

So now on to the good things, there are a massive array of vehicles from choppers to tanks even down to golf carts these are all easy to control (yes even the chopper to my surprise) and finally a challenge these vehicles do not seem to take as much of a pasting as what you can but they are defiantly the high point of the story mode, throw in a fairly good plot and lost of humor and that's BF:BC's story.

Online mode, this is where i got excited, no enemy artillery boundary's, no auto injector, but what you do have here is, 5 or so class of solider each with specific abilities, such as a medic (dispenses medi packs), recon (sniper to you and I) demolitions (big booms) and assault (auto weapons). Finally a challenge, which it is Gold rush where one team defends the gold and one team has to blow it up, great attack vs defence mode that is with vehicles and tactics require to win. A few games of that and i think so how about something different like team death match, no team death match hmmmm capture the flag? no? so just one online mode then thanks alot. The lack of online modes is a real down point for this other wise brilliant online section.

BF:BC then scores the following

Visuals 4 of 5 (both online/offline)

Sound 3 1/2 of 5 (both online/offline)

game play 3 of 5 (offline)
3 1/2 0f 5 (online)

overall 3 of 5

a game with so much potential but unfortunately does not deliver.

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