Monday 17 November 2008

Dead space - PS3

Dead Space -PS3-E.A. Games

Dead space really defines the genre "survival horror" fantastic atmospherics which put your nerves on edge and give you that "what was that noise" paranoia that truthfully is hard to recreate in a gaming environment. For example your enemies rarely start in the room with you but more emerge for some where as you enter or get further in to a room. Constant "foot steps" ringing through the Air vents put you nerves on edge giving a wonderful fear of constant attack even though the enemies emergence is repetitive, this atmosphere created through sound effects, makes it very difficult to predict exactly when you'll be drawn in to a fight.

Between the bigger rooms on the large mining ship the USG Ishimura are very small thin corridors giving a sense of claustrophobia really make you feel cut off from your allies and alone on the ship. One of the features of the game is that enemies really can come out of any where and from any direction this makes for one hell of a jumpy game.

Graphically the visuals are stunning nice character modelling really pleases the eye, low level/flashing or flickering lighting adds to the dramatic effect that you are in trouble. Some in the gaming community feel that some of the necromorphs look silly and unfrightning, but in my opinion when being chased down by something covered in blood and decay waving pointy limbs etc at you, then the desired effect of fear is comfortably achieve.
The game play and control system itself is pretty tight, standard 3rd person controls with left stick movement, right stick look/camera, L1 aim/R1 shoot combo, which had served so many games well over the years.
You do however fond yourself running into objects and walls at first, but i would suggest this is more down to the panic of escaping death rather than a tricky control system as by chapter 3 or so you find yourself more experience in the art of avoidance.
It is however the inclusion of the Zero G feature where the game play stands out for me. In certain areas you enter zero gravity. this allow Issac to jump on to areas like the ceiling or the walls which is both disorientating and fin at the same time.
I didn't anticipate start this gaming blog off with such a high scoring game but you have to give credit where credit is due.
so the scores:
Visuals 4 1/2 of 5, due to the environment this game may not exactly push the ps3 to breaking point
Sounds 5 of 5, fantastic SFX and choice of music
Game play 5 of 5, very playable, with pretty standard controls
Overall 5 of 5, Fantastic game a must own game for anyone over 18, must be said though if your a parent you might want to skip letting under 18's play.

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