Monday 17 November 2008

World of warcraft: wrath of the litch king - P.C.

World of warcraft: wotlk - P.C. - blizzard

So here we have the 2nd expansion pack from blizzards ever popular MMO. First up an apology for my screen shots some messed up and i will fix them at a later date.

Wotlk, offers players a new Continent to explore taking you from around the level 68 mark right up to the games new level cap of 80, giving you some new style quests,some old ones and vast new area's to explore.

As you might have guess the battle system itself has not changed a great deal, although the talent tree's for all classes have under gone a major overhaul to allow for the extra 10 points, and further balancing has been added to classes.

Blizzard have once again created a fantastic, visual world for players to enjoy, with each region of the new area offering different terrain to explore,enjoy,team up with your friends and basically forget the real world for a few hours.

I must say WOW sceptic's will not be won over with this latest addition, as it is very much, more of the same as both the original game and the burning crusade expansion, however fans and former players have alot to be excited about with the new challenges set.

Also in this new expansion is the inclusion of a new class, i suppose the 1st of the "Epic" classes, the death knight, Which as the name suggests a cross of a warrior and a warlock, although it does have a large necromancer feel towards it too as you would expect.

For me this was the class of character is was wanting for and play at every opportunity on RPG's
Blizzard seem to have put some thought into the mechanics and really have created a new way off playing, with the death knight needing rune's and runic power to use abilities.

This does however make the class a little tricky for the gamer who dives in with out reading how to play, but again for players like me that have played since the original was released a welcome change from mana/energy or rage based classes and gives a different and enjoyable twist.

On the whole WOTLK scores highly for me but unless you are a fan of MMO's and/or World of

warcraft, you might find it confusing and annoying .
scores on the doors:

visuals 3 1/2 of 5

sound 3 1/2 of 5

game play 4 1/2 of 5

overall 4 of 5

good addition to the series.


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